Google Calendar Event Feed

Version Travis CI

Eventfeed.js is a simple plugin for displaying a feed of upcoming events using Google Calendar API v3. No jQuery required, it's just plain javascript.


Installation is easy: Just download the script from the dist folder and include it in your HTML:

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/eventfeed.min.js"></script>

Basic Usage

To use, just declare a variable and assign to that a new instance of Eventfeed. When you're ready to initiate the feed, call the run() function on your variable.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var feed = new Eventfeed({
        calendarId: ''

Eventfeed will by default look for a <div id="eventfeed"></div> and fill it with the events.

<div id="eventfeed">
    <div class="event" id="{{id}}">
        <div class="date">
            <span class="month">{{month}}</span>
            <span class="day">{{day}}</span>
        <div class="info">
            <span class="title">{{title}}</span>
            <span class="description">{{description}}</span>
            <span class="location">{{location}}</span>
        <div class="time">
            <span class="start">From: {{start}}</span>
            <span class="end">To: {{end}}</span>


The only thing you'll need is a calendar id for the public calendar. This is usually the email address used to create the calendar.

Standard Options

Advanced Options


"Why am I getting a JSON error?"

First make sure the calendar linked to your id is public, and the hide details option is not checked (this limits JSON data returned).

Sharing Settings

Currently only addresses are supported. Using an account from a different domain, one that is connected through Google Apps, will automatically hide event details and the returned JSON data will be differently formatted.

To Do List

Change Log
